Git 'er done!

Mr. Spc. McFlute here, writing from the Days Inn in Forest, MS, on the way to Fort Jackson to spring Spc. McFlute from IET.
As it turns out, they are planning to release her around the time that I am planning to arrive. This should work out well for all concerned. Spc. McFlute, in a 40 minute phone interview on Sunday, says that looking back it doesn’t seem so bad, as long as she doesn’t look too closely.
The “Victory Forge” field exercise turned out to be kind of a dud. Spc. McFlute spent a lot of time trying not to fall asleep. There were two marches of approximately 5500 miles (total), but by this point walking is just walking to a hardened bandswoman like Spc. McFlute. 5 miles? 55 miles? 550 miles? 5500 miles? No difference.
Spc. McFlute was finally able to relinquish her weapon to the proper authorities, after giving it a proper cleaning. Twice. She reports that it is strange not to carry an M-16 everywhere she goes. The connection wasn’t very good, but I think I heard something about feeling vulnerable without an M-16 OR a flute.

The next 10 days promise lots of action.
Thursday is “Family Day.” I have been looking forward to watching a demonstration of “Army Skills” (pretending to apprehend a van of Arab looking actors), and of course to seeing Spc. McFlute. According to the brochure that the Army (through the miracle of subcontracting…they had to find someone who could read and write) sent a few weeks ago she will be granted an on-base pass for the entire day. If all goes well, we (Mr. Spc. McFlute, Mom and Dad Spc. McFlute) will also get to see the platoon get a final (hopefully) smoking at the end of the pass.
Friday is graduation day. Again, if all goes according to plan, we should be able to take Spc. McFlute away, for good this time, before noon. We are also looking forward to the company of SSG Redhead Violin, who will be on tour to Fort Relaxin’.
Saturday and Sunday are travel days, hopefully with a little bit of R n’ R mixed in.
Sunday night Spc. and Mr. McFlute will arrive in the Capital for a week-ish of orientation at Fort Oscar Myer Wiener. A week after graduation Spc. McFlute will finally head back to the Big D for a whirlyball-wind few days of visiting, packing, fluting, and moving.
